21st October 2024
No Neat Boxes
Guruji Iyengar famously said, “words cannot convey the value of yoga, it has to be experienced.” Those of us who practice yoga know how true this sentiment is. Yoga is practical, philosophical, and experiential. The changes that happen in our body and mind during and after practice are felt yet difficult to articulate.
14th October 2024
Leaves Turning
With autumn comes changes. The end of summer brings a feeling of winding down as nature moves towards its winter hibernation. I always start my yearly reflection and begin to think and plan for the coming year. It's a pensive time and with it, I've decided to make changes with my writings on yoga, practice, and life.
5th July 2024
Going with Changes
Last week, as some of you know, my younger daughter graduated high school and my elder daughter finished her university studies. As they enter new and exciting phases of their lives, I'm aware that my life is changing too.
28th June 2024
Making Space
Consistency. I'm not the only one who struggles with it. When I first started practicing yoga, I was overjoyed when I could make it to class 1-2x a week. I didn't practice at home because I didn't know that was a thing people did. Once I learned that going to yoga class wasn't the same as practicing yoga, I realised that I had no idea how to practice yoga.
21st June 2024
The Cross Over
Something that first attracted me to Iyengar yoga classes was that students asked questions. They asked for clarity on how to approach an asana and how to vary asanas for their needs. They asked to be looked at when practicing and to reassure them that they were on the right track.
7th June 2024
Travels Inner and Outer + Special Offer!
Last week, I taught twenty-six people in Spain for a week of yoga overlooking the sea in the hills near Malaga. More than half of the group are members of my online yoga membership, Sadhana Circle, and live in different countries, like Greece, France, England, and Spain, and the others are my students in Germany, who are also an international group.
17th May 2024
The Hot Line
This week a student texted me early morning to tell me that she injured herself and was in pain and wanted to know if I had any suggestions – and I did. This interchange reminded me of a story about the “bat phone.”
10th May 2024
The Pieces Back Together
Last week I received a lot of feedback on my email/post about Abhijata Iyengar and the lineage of Iyengar yoga. It's wonderful to hear from you and have a dialogue about practice. I think those words resonated because we, Iyengar yoga practitioners, see ourselves as part of a global community and this is important to us.